The Original Comedy Night presented by the Skagit/Mount Vernon Kiwanis. Saturday, October 6 8:00pm. All seats $16.
Rodney Sherwood
For over 18 years, Rodney has entertained audiences worldwide. He hosts awards
presentations, announces product launches, emcees sales training seminars, produces videos for company-wide meetings and retreats and, of course, provides Stand-Up Comedy at a variety of venues. You name it, he’s probably done it (always within the parameters of the law, of course).
Spanky the Laff Guru
The Laff Guru (aka Steven Kent McFarlin) is an award-winning performer and
author, twice voted the “Comic of the Year” and once the “Campus Performer of the Year.” He has taken his unique style of humor to over 900 Colleges and Comedy Clubs; performing in all 50 states & 23 countries, as well as over fifty TV shows, including Good Morning America and The Late Show. Don’t miss your chance to see this hysterical comedian the Dallas Times Herald described as “Hot as rubber boots in July.”
Susan Jones
Susan Jones brings her 20 years of comedy and radio experience to the stage with some seriously funny girl talk. Larger than life, Susan uses her attitude and experiences with size acceptance and being a single mom to deliver consistently funny, crowd pleasing performances.
Thanks to the many volunteers from our Kiwanis Club and The Lincoln Theater,to our audience for attending this and other Kiwanis-sponsored events and the comedians for their participation in this fund raising event.
Net proceeds from tonight’s show and other fund-raising events are returned to our community for assistance to Skagit area kids and other community needs. Our club sponsors our Annual Valentine Potted Tulip Sales each February which brightens the community in late winter!
Our club also assists the Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon with the Annual Kiwanis Salmon BBQ at Hillcrest Park in April during the SkagitValley Tulip Festival.
Ask a Kiwanis member today about our upcoming fundraising projects!