Join us at the Lincoln Theatre for this documentary about magic and secrets, hosted by magician Elliott Hunter!
Four suits. Fifty-two cards. One murder mystery.
In the hands of a skilled magician, a simple, everyday deck of cards transforms into a vessel of wonder and (im)possibility, so it’s little surprise that for almost as long as there have been cards, there have been card tricks.
Seen through the eyes of some of the world’s best sleight-of-hand artists, Lost in the Shuffle is a multi-faceted look at this remarkable 400-year relationship that’s seen these simple playthings provide an endless source of miraculous inspiration for magicians throughout time.
World champion and fourth-generation magician Shawn Farquhar has been surrounded by cards for as long as he can remember, but after a trip to France he began to wonder why the court cards look the way they do. Of particular interest was the King of Hearts -- also known as the "Suicide King" because he appears to be stabbing himself in the head.
Shawn believes there is a much more sinister story: that an actual medieval French king was assassinated at the hand of his own wife. Now Shawn is out to see if his theory’s true -- will the greatest illusion of all prove to be that an ancient cold-case murder has been hiding under our noses all this time?
Magician Elliott Hunter hosts this special one-day-only presentation, introducing the film and giving a card trick demonstration.
Screening will be followed by a Q&A with Director Jon Ornoy.
Directed by Jon Ornoy
Starring Shawn Farquhar, Richard Turner, Alexandra Duvivier, Juan Tamariz, Michael Vincent
United States | English | 2024 | Magic Documentary | 100 minutes | NR
Film Prices
Lincoln Theatre Members get $2.00 off on the following prices with discount code:
General: $11.00
Seniors, Students, and Active Military: $10.00
Children 12 and under: $8.50
All prices include a $2.00 Preservation Fee that goes directly into our capital account for the preservation of the Lincoln Theatre and its programs.