Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron follows the adventures of a wild and rambunctious mustang stallion as he journeys through the untamed American frontier.
Encountering man for the first time, Spirit defies being broken, even as he develops a remarkable friendship with a young Lakota brave. The courageous young stallion also finds love with a beautiful paint mare named Rain on his way to becoming one of the greatest unsung heroes of the Old West.
United States | English | 2002 | Animated Adventure | 83 minutes | G
This is a Sensory-Friendly film screening.
What does Sensory-Friendly mean?
· House lights are brighter
· Movie sound is lower
· Patrons can bring their own snacks
· Patrons can bring their own sensory tools
· Personal Closed Captioning devices and Assistive Listening devices are available
All tickets only $5. Children must be accompanied by an adult parent or guardian.
For more sensory-friendly films, click here.
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Que quiere decir “Sensorial Agradable”?
- Iluminación del ambiente más alta
- Sonido de la película más baja
- Huéspedes pueden traer sus propias golosinas
- Huéspedes pueden traer sus propias herramientas sensoriales
- Dispositivos personales para traducción o de escucha asistida disponibles
Entradas a solo $5. Los niños deben de ser escoltados por sus parientes o adultos guardianes.