What matters most in life, eh? BEER! The Lincoln Theatre welcomes you to celebrate the end of SKAGIT BEER WEEK with a screening of the 1983 cult classic farce STRANGE BREW starring Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas. Bring in your tickets from Farm to Pint Fest and receive $2 off our regular film prices!
Purporting to be loosely based on Hamlet, Strange Brew is about an evil braumeister at the Elsinore Brewery who has discovered an additive that when guzzled in beer, allows the drinkers to be easily controlled. Braumeister Smith has a plan to take over the world with his new brew, and only the Great White hosers of the North, Bob and Doug McKenzie -- with their plaid shirts, ski toques, fur-lined parkas, and addiction to beer -- can stop the dastardly plan, sober or not. There are several jabs at "hoseheads" and the business of movie-making, including an epilogue that critiques the film itself.
Directors: Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis
Cast: Dave Thomas, Rick Moranis, Max von Sydow, Paul Dooley and Lynne Griffin
What the critics are saying:
"Though lowbrow in intent and outcome, Strange Brew effectively mines laughs from its unique premise and likeable stars." - Rotten Tomatoes
"Frankly, I was sold the moment the MGM lion gave out an inebriated belch." - Rob Vaux, Mania.com
""Hamlet" done by Canadian drunks! Absolute genius!" - Eric Melin, Lawrence.com
Film Prices:
Lincoln Theatre Members get a $2 discount (and so do Farm to Pint Fest ticket holders) on the following prices:
General: $10.50
Seniors, Students and Active Military: $9.50
Children 12 and under: $8.00
All prices include a $1.50 Preservation Fee that goes directly into our capital account for preservation of the Lincoln Theatre and its programs.
Members have benefits: Click here for details