Mount Vernon, Washington
712 South First Street
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Lincoln Theatre Foundation Staff

The day-to-day operations, development, and booking of the Lincoln Theatre are handled by full-time and part-time staff.



Technical Director



Production, Facilities, and Theatre Restoration

Mike M. Marlin Jr.
360.419.7129, ext. 104

Mike Marlin

Mike Marlin loves the Lincoln because (like Dr. Who) it is his inter-galactic spaceship from where he travels through space and time. In 1999, Mike volunteered at the Lincoln as a designer, actor and technical director for local theatre non-profits. Mike became the Lincoln’s stage manager and restoration specialist and worked as staff for three years.

He received a master’s degree in theater at Western Washington University then worked in the entertainment industry in New York. In 2015, Mike returned to Mount Vernon, and the Lincoln welcomed him back as Production and Facilities Manager to get the spaceship Lincoln tuned up for its next hundred years voyage through the cosmos.

Program Director

Film and Live Performance Booking, Screen & Stage Rental, and Operations

Karl Freske
360.419.7129, ext. 105

Karl Freske

Ever since his college years at Western Washington University -- working as a graphic designer, playing drums in a band, DJ’ing a radio show on KUGS, self-publishing a zine, and booking punk shows at what the local police would eventually describe as an "illegal nightclub" -- Karl has been involved in the arts, entertainment, and design.

After completing his Bachelor of Arts degree in graphic design at Western, he went on to co-found, co-own, and co-operate Bellingham’s beloved independent movie rental store, Film Is Truth 24 Times a Second, where he presided for more than twenty years over a collection that grew to over 20,000 titles. During that time, he mentored young employees as well as new artists and musicians in Northwest Washington, encouraging them in their endeavors and forming some lasting bonds.

Now, at the Lincoln, he continues to use his managerial and design skills to help keep the theatre running; to establish a polished, appealing, and consistent design aesthetic in its advertising and signage; to develop event programming; and to facilitate the work of his colleagues. In the time that he’s been part of the Lincoln’s staff, the Lincoln has become very important to him, and he feels honored to be able to serve the Skagit community and to continue to support the arts world in his work.

Finance Manager

Billing and Receivables

Trisha Bates

Box Office Manager

Ticketing, Social Media, and Membership

Volunteer Coordinator + Front of House Services

Volunteering, FOH and Artist Services

Brooke Hofstetter
360.419.7129, ext. 100

Brooke Hofstetter grew up in Western Washington, having lived in Kent and Marysville before moving to Mount Vernon in 2008.

Brooke has always been interested in theater arts. She was a part of various drama classes, clubs, and theatrical productions during her school years. After her move to Skagit Valley, she discovered community theater, which also introduced her to the Lincoln Theatre.

Brooke’s first time on the Lincoln Stage was back in 2011 as an actor in a small role in the play Number the Stars. In 2013 she learned how to Stage Manage for community theater productions and since then she has frequently been involved in various community theater productions, almost all of them performing at Lincoln Theatre. She has signed her name on the backstage wall several times, and it only seems fitting that now the Lincoln has signed its name on her in the form of employment.

House Managers

Clare Tatarsky
Cynthia Adams


David Austin

Tech and Facilities Assistant

Hunter Brown
Moses Marlin

Wurlitzer Organists

Fred Beeks
Ruth Ann Burley
Glen DesJardins
Katie Moyer
Karen Rentko
Harvey Rossiter