At the end of each Antarctic summer, the emperor penguins of the South Pole journey to their traditional breeding grounds in a fascinating mating ritual that is captured in this documentary narrated by Morgan Freeman.
The journey across frozen tundra proves to be the simplest part of the ritual, as after the egg is hatched, the female must delicately transfer it to the male and make her way back to the distant sea to nourish herself and bring back food to her newborn chick.
United States | English | 2005 | Nature Documentary | 80 minutes | G
This is a Sensory-Friendly film screening.
What does Sensory-Friendly mean?
· House lights are brighter
· Movie sound is lower
· Patrons can bring their own snacks
· Patrons can bring their own sensory tools
· Personal Closed Captioning devices and Assistive Listening devices are available
All tickets only $5. Children must be accompanied by an adult parent or guardian.
For more sensory-friendly films, click here.
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Que quiere decir “Sensorial Agradable”?
- Iluminación del ambiente más alta
- Sonido de la película más baja
- Huéspedes pueden traer sus propias golosinas
- Huéspedes pueden traer sus propias herramientas sensoriales
- Dispositivos personales para traducción o de escucha asistida disponibles
Entradas a solo $5. Los niños deben de ser escoltados por sus parientes o adultos guardianes.